Sundays @ 10:30am

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MMQB - April 1, 2010

1. Very excited about Easter Sunday. Suspiciously enough, we are going to talk about Jesus! And it just so happens that the next section in Colossians is a perfect text to speak about what Jesus did on the cross for us (Colossians 2:11-15). Great Sunday to invite friends who are not believers or who think they are but likely aren’t.

2. Speaking of Easter, I think it’s important that you understand our philosophy behind how we approach holidays like Christmas and Easter. Often in church culture a lot of energy is spent on putting on productions to celebrate these events. This can be a good thing and I appreciate good music and the arts. But, my sense is that church productions often inadvertently turn the focus inward on entertaining those who are already Christians rather than making the Gospel explicitly clear to those who are not Christians. Thus, I think the best way to approach Sundays like Easter is to be plain, simple and clear with the Gospel.

3. So would you pray for the Holy Spirit to draw souls to Jesus this Sunday? (And every Sunday for that matter!)

4. Mentioned this last Sunday but want to say again how great a job Will Hawk did preaching two Sundays ago. If you missed his message, take some time to listen to his message by clicking here. Speaking of Will, he and his team are doing a tremendous job ministering to our children and youth. Very thankful for him and Karan Anne and their ministry. 

5. The conference I went to in Washington, D.C. was very instructive and helpful. Gave me a lot of clarity on issues related to biblical church structure. Lots more to follow on this in the coming weeks.

6. La familia Evangelista is moving into our new house next week. God has been very gracious to us and we are really looking forward to opening our home to the Tribe. I’ll be out of the office most of next week getting things settled in the house and hanging out with the kids for their Spring break.

7. Yes, Arabella’s room is going to be pink. 

bella's room


Grace & Peace,
