Sundays @ 10:30am

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Sunday: “Prophecy & Tongues”


As I've mentioned the past few weeks, Paul devotes 1 Corinthians 12–14 to correcting the abuse and misuse of spiritual gifts. This Sunday we’ll begin looking at chapter 14, in which Paul looks specifically at prophecy, tongues and order in the church.

You really don’t want to come to this text cold. This chapter is weighty and even a bit complicated at the outset, so it will require a slower, more methodical approach than usual! Be sure to warm up by reading 1 Cor. 14 a few times and jotting down your observations and questions.

As always, the greater issue is not just a surface knowledge of spiritual gifts but a deeper understanding of the Gospel and the means by which God equips the church to spread the Gospel. So let's approach this chapter with an eagerness not just for knowledge or gifts but for the Giver of these gifts and his Gospel!

Grace & Peace,
