Sundays @ 10:30am

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Tragedy into Blessing

I read this very encouraging quote from R.C. Sproul this morning on Josh Harris' blog. Josh is a pastor in Maryland that I respect very much. He has written several books including I Kissed Dating Goodbye, Stop Dating the Church, and Dug Down Deep. Josh's mother passed away yesterday after a long fight with cancer and he shared this Sproul quote on his blog:

"God, in his providence, has the power and the will to work all things together for good for his people. This does not mean that everything that happens to us is, in itself, good. Really bad things do happen to us. But they are only proximately bad; they are never ultimately bad. That is, they are bad only in the short (proximate) term, never in the long term. Because of the triumph of God's goodness in all things, he is able to bring good for us out of the bad. He turns our tragedies into supreme blessings."