Sundays @ 10:30am

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Announcements, August 28, 2015

Dear CrossPointe,

This Sunday we finish up our series through 1 Thessalonians with a look at how and what it means to grow as a Christian—the doctrine of sanctification. In 1 Thess. 5:23, Paul prays that God himself would sanctify his readers completely and keep them blameless until he returns. That is a huge statement! What does it mean and how does that happen? What is God's role in this process and what is our responsibility?

Essentially, this text is an opportunity for us to examine what the Christian life should look like. Take some time to read 1 Thess. 5:23–28 before Sunday. Looking forward to seeing you all!

Grace and peace,


Youth: Social Media, Identity & Christ (Sunday, 6–8 p.m.) || Mike & Rebecca Ellis will discuss their experience of walking through tragedy as a means of helping youth find their identity in Christ. They will also share with parents how to encourage their children to find hope in the gospel despite a culture that increasingly associates identity with social media and texting.

Help Needed Setting Up Communion || If you are interested in serving on a team that sets up communion every week, please contact Terry Cole.

Women’s Sewing Group (Aug. 31, 3–7 p.m.) || Get to know other women at CrossPointe while learning the basics of sewing! Contact Lory Wood to sign up and request childcare.

Women’s Study: Jonah (Thurs., 9:15–11 a.m., Sept. 3–Oct. 1) || Meet in Classroom B to study the book of Jonah with other ladies! Contact Amy Ward to reserve a spot and request childcare.

Children’s Ministry “Move-up Sunday” (Sept. 6) || Children move up by age until they enter grade-school, at which point they advance to the next room by grade. As of Sept. 6, all children in 1st Grade will be in their own classroom, while all children in 2nd–5th Grades will be in Kids’ Church (new youth area)!

“One Another” Member Meeting (Sept. 13, 6 p.m.) || Every other month, CrossPointe’s members (non-members welcome!) gather to discuss and pray for matters pertinent to the life of the church. Childcare is always provided.

Sunday Morning Classes Restarting Sept. 13 || Mark your calendars for Sundays from 9 to 10 a.m. There will be two studies, one on the Apostles’ Creed (Ron Mullins teaching) and another on prayer, using Tim Keller’s recent book as a guide (Robert Ward teaching). You can RSVP by e-mailing Nicole Carey.

Women’s Study: Philippians (Mon., 9:30–11 a.m., Sept. 14–Nov. 9) || This study will meet in Classroom B and use Carrie Gaul’s Joy in the Midst (recommended by Nancy Leigh DeMoss) as a guide. Contact Melany Raborn (; 706-718-5102) to sign up and request childcare!

Men Needed for Youth Leadership || Consider committing to serve our middle- and high-school students on Sunday nights starting this Fall. Contact Will Hawk for more information about how you can get involved.