Sundays @ 10:30am

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Announcements, February 5, 2016

Dear CrossPointe,

This Sunday we’ll hit the pause button on our series through the Sermon on the Mount to look at the purpose, practice, and importance of communion. To do this, we’ll work through 1 Corinthians 11:17–34, where Paul instructs the church on how we should approach “the Lord’s table.”

Communion and baptism are pictures of the gospel that the Lord has given to the church to help us remember his work on our behalf, celebrate the gospel, and identify and mark off the church so that it might be a clearer display of his grace to an onlooking world. Therefore, understanding what we are doing when we come to the Lord’s table is of utmost importance. Take some time to read the text before Sunday and prepare your hearts to gather around the table together.

See you Sunday!


Newcomers’ Lunch Sunday (after worship) || If you’ve begun attending CrossPointe in the last three months we want to meet you and connect you to our pastoral staff. Join us for a free lunch in Classroom A after worship on Sunday, February 7. There will also be childcare. E-mail Nicole Carey to sign up!

Youth Flag Football Sunday (after worship) || The youth will be meeting at Flat Rock Park for some pre-Super Bowl flag football! Grab some lunch on the way and meet near the playground by the entrance to Flat Rock.

Reminder for Parents/Guardians about Pager System || If you have a child in Children’s Ministry you’re already familiar with KidCheck and the stickers used to identify children and their belongings (and their guardians!). If you are needed to tend to your child, the number found on your sticker (in addition to your child’s room) will be put on the screens in the sanctuary.

Young Adults: Pursuing Biblical Beauty (Feb. 13, 1–5 p.m.) || Meet at the Womacks’ (17201 Ga. Hwy. 85W, Shiloh, GA 31826) for an afternoon all about balancing a desire for personal beauty with the pursuit of godliness. We’ll have snacks and some giveaways as well! (Feel free to stay the night!) RSVP to Brianne Womack.

Ladies’ Lunch (Feb. 15, noon) || Join us for lunch ($5 Chicken Salad Chick) at CrossPointe as we discuss Jerry Bridges’ book, The Transforming Power of the Gospel. Childcare starts at 10 a.m.! RSVP to Nicole Carey.

Starting Pointe Membership Class (March 5–6) || Membership in the local church is where Gospel, Community, and Mission intersect. Whether you’re interested in joining or just want to know more about CrossPointe, please join us for this two-session class (Sat., 9 a.m.–noon; Sun., 5–7 p.m.). Childcare is provided. Contact Robert Ward to sign up!

Children’s Ministry Training (March 13, 9 a.m.) || Bless the children and families of CrossPointe by serving in a room once every five weeks. Share the gospel, care for the “least of these,” and connect with members of the church and visitors! You can sign up for the next training by contacting Cristin Wise.

Sunday Morning Classes (9–10 a.m., Now–March 13) || There are two classes: one on the Apostles’ Creed (taught by Ron Mullins) and another on Paul Tripp’s Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands (taught by Robert Ward). Childcare is provided. Sign up by e-mailing Nicole Carey.

“One Another” Member Meeting (March 13, 6–7:30 p.m.) || CrossPointe’s members gather bi-monthly to discuss matters pertinent to the life of the church. Non-members are welcome to join us, and childcare is provided!