Sundays @ 10:30am

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This Sunday: “Christ Is the Culmination”

Dear CrossPointe,

We made it through Romans 9! What a chapter! Maybe the deepest in the whole Bible. This Sunday we begin Romans 10 with a look at the first four verses. Verse 4 says that “Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.” This summary statement is massively important, and understanding it correctly is crucial to understanding redemption and the Christian life. We’ll spend some time working through these few verses and unpacking this truth. I’m looking forward to it!

Grace and peace,



Women’s Study: Revelation (starts Oct. 1, 7 p.m.) || The group will meet bi-weekly on Mondays at the home of Anne Lyle Illges. E-mail Anne Lyle to sign up!
40 Days for Life (Oct. 2, 7 a.m.–7 p.m.) || Sign up for a shift to pray for the lives of the unborn at Seneca Choices for Life (3900 Rosemont Dr., Columbus). If you’re interested, contact Melissa Harrison.
Men’s Lunch (Oct. 2, noon) || Join the men of CrossPointe for fellowship over lunch ($5 Chick-fil-A). RSVP by contacting Springer Cain.
Midweek Fellowship (Oct. 3, 5:45 p.m.) || Dinner starts at 5:45 p.m., followed by teaching at 6:30. RSVP to Allie Webb for food and childcare.
Jail Ministry || If you are interested in sharing the gospel with people in jail, please contact Kris Maguire.
Marriage Communication Class (Oct. 6, 9 a.m.– 4 p.m.) || Jay Hearn is teaching a one-day class on improving communication in marriage. Childcare and lunch will be provided. E-mail Allie Webb to RSVP for food and childcare.
Starting Pointe Membership Class (Oct. 13–14) || Learn what we believe, how the church works, and what our mission is. The class is divided into two sessions: Sat., Oct. 13, 9 a.m.–noon; and Sun., Oct. 14, 5–7:30 p.m. (Childcare will be available.) Contact Robert Ward to sign up!
Children’s Ministry Training (Oct. 14, 9 a.m.) || Serve the children and families of CrossPointe by leading or assisting in a classroom once every five weeks. We’ll equip you with all you need! Contact Cristin Wise to sign up.
Reformation Columbus (Oct. 27, 9 a.m.–3 p.m.) || St. Andrews Presbyterian Church is hosting this year’s conference as Voddie Baucham and Nate Shurden discuss what it means for Scripture to be enough. Tickets will cost $30/adult and $10/child, and lunch is included. Childcare will be available. Register online today.