Sundays @ 10:30am

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This Sunday: Faith Comes by Hearing

Dear CrossPointe,

This Sunday we'll finish up Romans 10 as we consider verses 14–21. In this passage, Paul further explains the unbelief of Israel and very clearly lays out the steps necessary for a person to come to saving faith in Jesus. This is remarkable in light of the truths about God's sovereignty in salvation that he has been so clear about in Romans 9. And yet, as we'll see here at the end of Romans 10, God has fastened himself to the means of evangelism and the sharing of the gospel. Indeed, all who call on him will be saved—how beautiful are the feet of those who bring the good news—and that good news creates the faith it requires. 

I'm looking forward to working through the text with you! 

Grace and peace,



Starting Pointe Membership Class (Oct. 13–14) || Learn what we believe, how the church works, and what our mission is. The class is divided into two sessions: Sat., Oct. 13, 9 a.m.–noon; and Sun., Oct. 14, 5–7:30 p.m. (Childcare will be available.) Contact Robert Ward to sign up!
Children’s Ministry Training (Oct. 14, 9 a.m.) || Serve the children and families of CrossPointe by leading or assisting in a classroom once every five weeks. We’ll equip you with all you need! Contact Cristin Wise to sign up.

Ladies’ Lunch (Oct. 16, 11:30 a.m.) || Join the women of CrossPointe for fellowship over lunch ($5 Chicken Salad Chick). Childcare starts at 9:30 a.m. Be sure to RSVP to Allie Webb for food and/or childcare.
Midweek Fellowship (Oct. 17, 5:45 p.m.) || Dinner starts at 5:45 p.m., followed by teaching at 6:30. RSVP to Allie Webb for food and childcare.
Reformation Columbus (Oct. 27, 9 a.m.–3 p.m.) || Join us at St. Andrews Presbyterian as Voddie Baucham and Nate Shurden discuss the importance of Scripture. Tickets are $30/adult and $10/child (lunch included). Childcare is also available. Register online today!
Member Meeting (Nov. 4, 6 p.m.) || It’s our last meeting of the year, so join us in welcoming new members, getting updates on various aspects of church life, and sharing fellowship with one another. Childcare is available.
Jail Ministry || If you are interested in sharing the gospel with people in jail, please contact Kris Maguire.
Haiti Trip Date Change || Our upcoming trip to Haiti has been rescheduled for Feb. 13–18. Contact Springer Cain for more information.