Sundays @ 10:30am

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MMQB - February 15, 2010

1. Yesterday's message involved some deep waters. Specifically regarding how God's goodness intersects with His sovereignty and providential control over all things, to include evil and sin. Click here for the notes and audio if you missed it. I mentioned the book Spectacular Sins by John Piper but I forgot to mention another book by Randy Alcorn entitled If God is Good: Faith in the Midst of Suffering and Evil. This book is very warm and pastoral in its approach while also being very biblical and comprehensive. I highly recommend it. It is a large book and one that you can read in segments and come back to over the years. Very easy to read and organized in a very clear way. Below are amazon links to both books. They are great resources that will increase your faith.

2. Yesterday was Valentine's Day, which, for some is a very hard day. In particular for single people who desire to be married with no prospects on the horizon. Recently I came across an article on the Christian Counseling & Education Foundation (CCEF) website entitled Single and Lonely: Finding the Intimacy You Desire. I found it very helpful and thought some of you may find it encouraging. On that note, CCEF's website is a great resource that has helpful articles on issues that we all face.  

3. Much more importantly (to me anyway), yesterday was also my daughter Arabella's 5th birthday. I love my boys, but daughters hold a special place in their daddy's hearts. Click here to see some pics from her party on Jennifer's blog

4. Speaking of Arabella's party...this just in...Chuckie Cheese is PACKED on Sunday afternoons! Kids loved it. Parents didn't.

5. Bob Landeg's parents were with us yesterday at CrossPointe as they were in town visiting Bob's wife, Amy, who you may see playing the keyboard on any given Sunday. Bob is one of our guys deployed to Iraq. It reminded me of how thankful I am for this generation of young soldiers. It's easy to be discouraged with the trajectory of our culture, but you will be very encouraged if you meet young men like Bob and the others that have come through CrossPointe on the way to defending our nation. Reminds me to pray for these young leaders and all our military.

6. We just met with the owners of the new building and they checked off on our renovation plans. Work should begin this week! Probably will take 4 to 5 months. Hopefully we'll be in the building by July(ish). Very excited. Keep praying that this building doesn't become a place where we exhale and get comfortable, but rather a place from which we lean forward in the foxhole and advance the Gospel in our city and valley with greater effectiveness.

7. Regarding the building, we are planning to gather there several times during the build-out process to pray and let everyone see the progress. Keep your eyes and ears open for some dates we'll gather to pray on-site soon!

8. I see so many evidences of God's grace and the moving of His Spirit all throughout the Tribe. Young husbands stepping up and leading. Older men and women having a burden for younger generations and offering their experience and wisdom. A sweet spirit of service and humility abounds. Increasing hunger for truth. More people bringing and flipping through their Bibles on Sunday. Increasing freedom and engagement in worship through song. A burden for the lost and helping those down and out. A continually deepening mix of people from multiple walks of life knit together in love. I could go on and on....

Grace & Peace,


p.s. - in case you didn't click on the link to Jennifer's blog to see my little princess...I thought I'd give you another chance. :-)

arabella-5th birthday