Sundays @ 10:30am

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Of First Importance


In case you haven’t noticed the stockpiles of Peeps, chocolate bunnies, annoying celophane “grass,” and pastel-colored “Sale!” signs, Easter is this Sunday. (How did Jesus’ resurrection become attached to disgusting marshmallow chickens?)

As we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection together, we’ll jump ahead to 1 Corinthians 15:1-11, where Paul declares Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection to be “of first importance.” This sermon will be what I like to call a fast ball right down the middle. Bring your friends and family, believers or not, if they don’t have plans at another church. It won’t get much more direct than this.

Family traditions and special outfits aren’t bad, but make no mistake—Easter is about the Gospel. So let us ignore all the distractions of dyed eggs and potato salad (which you’ll probably spill on your seersucker suit) and prepare to rejoice together. Our Savior is not dead!

Grace and Peace,