Sundays @ 10:30am

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Day 4: Radical Generosity

Day 4 of the Daniel fast and the prayer emphasis today is RADICAL GENEROSITY. 

Here's the deal. We are the most prosperous people in the history of civilization. If you have a checking account and a refrigerator, you are very likely in the top six percent of wealthiest people on the planet. No doubt some of you reading this post are enduring difficult times financially, but in comparison with the rest of the world, we are beyond blessed. For most of us, if we want something, we buy it. If we are hungry, we open full pantries. This has produced in us a sense of entitlement. A feeling that this is our birthright. Some of us were born into wealth. Some of us through hard work have saved up. Some of us are barely getting by. But, all of us, regardless of how we "attained" what we have do not have one thing that we did not receive from God. And whatever we "have" is not ultimately just for us, but given to us by God to glorify him.

So, my prayer is that whether we are rich or poor (and most of us reading this are very rich) God would make us pervasively and radically generous

Father, give the tribe at CrossPointe a disposition of radical generosity. Break our addiction to stuff, and make our grip very loose so that our hands are not bottlenecks for your blessing but rather conduits. In Jesus' name, amen.