Sundays @ 10:30am

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This Sunday: “God Has Not Failed”

Dear CrossPointe,

This Sunday we pick back up in Romans as we wade into the deep waters of chapter 9. This is an enormously important chapter—not just for Romans but also in the landscape of the whole Bible. The issue at hand in Romans 9–11 is God’s plan for the Jews. In the first eight chapters of Romans, Paul has laid out the good news that we are saved by faith alone in Christ alone by grace alone. (This has always been God’s plan, even as far back as Abraham.)
But as we start Romans 9, Paul is anticipating an objection. If God’s gospel is so glorious, then why has it seemingly failed to save Israel, since the vast majority of ethnic Jews have rejected Jesus? And the question is even deeper. If God has failed with the Jews, can he really be trusted at all? This is the question Paul takes up in Romans 9–11. His answer, of course, is that God can be trusted and that all of this is part of God’s sovereign eternal plan.  
We say this often, but you really don’t want to go into Sunday morning cold. Our text will be Romans 9:1–6, but I encourage you to read through Romans 9–11 numerous times over the coming weeks. Saturate yourself in text. Try to become more familiar with Paul’s logic and the point he is making. Pray that God would help us understand and be made more like Christ as we study it together.
Finally, on this first Sunday of August, we’ll receive communion as a church family. Let’s prepare our hearts to come to the Table together. 
I’m looking forward to seeing you all!
Grace and peace,



Baptism Class Rescheduled (Aug. 5, 9:15 a.m.) || If you’re thinking about being baptized or just want to learn more about baptism, come to this class taught by Robert Ward. Anyone who wants to be baptized at CrossPointe must attend before their baptism can be scheduled. RSVP to Robert.
Fall Community Groups || Find discipleship in the context of small-groups oriented around the gospel. Groups pray, study the Bible (or a biblical book), and often share meals together. Keep an eye on the board in the foyer as well as our website for groups’ info!
Men’s Lunch (Aug. 7, noon) || Enjoy fellowship over lunch ($5 Chick-fil-A) at CrossPointe as we hear from one of our own! RSVP to Springer Cain.
Children’s Ministry Training (Aug. 12, 9 a.m.) || Serve the children and families of CrossPointe by leading or assisting in a classroom once every five weeks or so. This brief training will equip you with everything you need! Contact Cristin Wise to sign up!
Member Meeting (Sept. 9, 6–7:30 p.m.) || Catch up on everything going on in the life of CrossPointe as we pray for one another, hear updates on various areas of ministry, and receive new members. Childcare is provided.