Sundays @ 10:30am

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Jesus Walks on the Sea

Dear CrossPointe,

What a tremendous missions weekend! I encourage you to listen to the Sunday morning sermon if you missed it. (CD copies will be available Sunday morning, though we cannot put the sermon online due to the sensitive nature of their work.)

This Sunday, we are back in Mark with a look at one of Jesus’ more notable miracles in Mark 6:45-56. In this passage, Jesus walks on the water through high winds and calms another storm. Think about the kind of day the disciples have had: first, Jesus feeds the multitudes and then he walks on water!

Strangely, it says that he meant to pass them by on the water (v48). Additionally, although Jesus’ walking on water astounded the disciples, the text says that instead of wondering at this miracle, they were still trying to understand the miracle of the loaves with hearts Mark describes as “hardened.” What is Mark trying to show us?

Much to think about this Sunday. Take some time to read and saturate yourself with the passage before Sunday and come ready to worship our great God and King.

Grace and peace,
