Sundays @ 10:30am

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That the Work of God Might Be Displayed

John’s Gospel Series 220213
Dear Church,
What a wonderful weekend we had with Hershael and Tanya York. If you missed last Sunday’s message, be sure to catch it here. It was a glorious gospel message. Praise the Lord for His Word and this dear couple’s ministry to us.
This week we turn our attention back to John as we begin working through chapter nine and the healing of a blind man. This is one of my favorite chapters in all of John. It’s quite an amazing scene. Jesus makes mud with his own spit and puts it on the man’s face. That’s unusual! But even more remarkable is what Jesus says about the providence and purpose behind this man’s blindness since birth—that God’s work would be displayed. To say there’s a lot to digest there is an understatement!
I’m looking forward to digging into the first 12 verses of this chapter with you this Sunday. We’ll also receive communion together since we did not last week due to having a guest speaker. Let’s prepare our hearts to feast on the Word and the Table together.
Grace and peace,