Sundays @ 10:30am

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The Authority of Jesus

Dear CrossPointe,

I missed you all last week, but I was able to listen to Robert’s sermon on Mark 11:12–25 and it was excellent! Such a clear and thorough explanation of Jesus cursing the fig tree, cleansing the temple, and what it means to have faith in God. I really encourage you to listen to it here if you missed it.

This week we’ll look at Mark 11:27–12:12. In this passage, the religious leaders of Israel question Jesus’ authority to do what he just did—clear out the temple. But on a larger scale, they are questioning his authority during his entire ministry. In response, Jesus indicts them with a parable about wicked tenants who abuse an owner’s vineyard and his servants and son. Clearly, Jesus is lowering the boom on these leaders and their questioning of his authority.

This brings up the question of how we understand and submit to the authority of Jesus. What does it mean for Jesus to be our authority? How does his authority work itself out practically in our lives? Be sure to read the passage a few times before Sunday and prepare your heart to worship our great God and King.

Grace and peace!
