Sundays @ 10:30am

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What does it mean to be great?

Dear CrossPointe,

It was such a joy to see so many of you last week! This Sunday will be the same schedule as last—two identical services—one at 10:30am and another at 5:00pm. If you haven’t yet registered for a service this Sunday, please do that today. It’s essential as we seek to maintain adequate social distancing.

This Sunday our text is Mark 10:35–45, and we will consider what it means to be great as a follower of Jesus. The word “great” has a range of meanings in our day, but I want us to be sure to understand how the Bible defines greatness. I hope it will be a helpful and encouraging word for us in the middle of the these anxious, tumultuous, and contentious days.

One final note about Sundays—I’m planning to get back into our study of James the last Sunday of June. It’ll be good to resume our study and finish out James 5. 

Looking forward to seeing some of you in person or online this Sunday.

Grace and peace,
