Sundays @ 10:30am

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“Rotten Riches”

Dear CrossPointe,

Remember way back before the pandemic when we were studying James? Well this Sunday we’re finally diving back in as we look at James 5:1–6. These verses are a fastball high and tight aimed at the greed and selfishness that dominates much of the world. In short, it’s an indictment of the selfish, wasteful rich who hoard their wealth and don’t use it for the good of others and the glory of God. 

The temptation, of course, is to think passages like this apply to “those people” over there. It surely does apply to “them” and “they”—but that’s a terrible way to read the Bible if that’s our primary instinct. First, we want to understand what the text says, what it teaches us about God, the gospel and mankind, and then point the sword of the Spirit straight at our own hearts and apply it to our own lives. 

I’m looking forward to rolling up our sleeves and getting back into this gold-mine of a letter. The last chapter of James has treasure for us as a church. Let’s resolve to dig it up.

Once again, we’ll have just one service on Sunday at 10:30am. Please remember to register for it so we can maintain adequate distancing. And on that note, I know social-distancing and mask-wearing can be a hassle, but doing our best to abide by them is a way of loving our brothers and sisters who may be more vulnerable. Thanks for your patience and understanding!

See you Sunday!
